You might have made a dashboard on one connection, only to make another connection / model and realize you should have built it there. Or maybe your use case is more sophisticated, like moving a dashboard between omni environments. In either case, you’re in the right place.
The Python SDK now supports the api endpoints to make content migration a piece of cake .
You can see the script for performing migration here. But we’ll walk through the setup step by step.
First, install the python SDK. You may want to create a virtual environment first.
Optional Step 0 - Create a virtual environment
Starting in a folder you’d like the script to live in. Double check you have at least python 3.9+
python -m venv ./.venv
Activate the virtual environment:
source ./.venv/bin/activate
Step 1 - Pip install the sdk
pip install omni_python_sdk
Step 2 - Create the script and fill out API key and Omni Host
from omni_python_sdk import OmniAPI
api_key = '<<your api key>>'
base_url = '<<your omni host>>'
# Initialize the API with your credentials
api = OmniAPI(api_key, base_url)
# retrieve the dashboard
dashboard_export = api.document_export('<<dashboard identifier>>')
# change the dashboard model id
dashboard_export.update({'baseModelId':'<< model id of new location >>'})
# import the modified document
Step 4 – Run it
python <<name of your script>>.py
This will download the original dashboard, change it’s model id, and re-upload it to your personal folder.
Working with multiple Omni instances:
If you need to migrate across environments, your script may look more like this:
from omni_python_sdk import OmniAPI
api_env1 = OmniAPI('<<api key 1>>','https://<<omni host 1>>')
api_env2 = OmniAPI('<<api key 2>>','https://<<omni host 2>>')
# retrieve the dashboard
dashboard_export = api_env1.document_export('<< dashboard identifier host 1 >>')
# change the dashboard model id
dashboard_export.update({'baseModelId':'<<model id in host 2>>'})
# import the modified document